Through out various religious and secret societies, zealots and devotees have practiced mortification of the flesh for spiritual attainment. This February we pay tribute to the fanatical and the disturbed.
Gnaw their tongues - Collected Atrocities 2005-2008
(Crucial Blast)2 x cd $32 sgd (PRE-ORDER)
All those who have delved into the under belly of dark ritualistic ambient,noise or avant-black/doom metal are familiar with the entity Gnaw Their Tongues. Mories, the conjurer of dark souls have been terrorizing his listeners through various projects such as Cloak of Altering, Pyriphlegethon, De Magia Veterum, Aderlating, Mors Sonat, Pompidou, Dimlit Hate Cellar for years but none so vile as Gnaw Their Tongues, his epitome of terror.
Listen -Master I am done
Ehnahre - Taming the Cannibals SOLD OUT (Available for Pre-Order)
(Crucial Blast) cd $28 SGD
Taming the Cannibals, the sophomore full-length from avant-black / death
/ doom band Ehnahre, is one of the more cerebral and challenging death
metal albums to come through the Crucial Blast headquarters this year.
Featuring former members of prog / gothic art-rockers Kayo Dot and
avant-death metalists Biolich, the Boston-based group unleashes extreme
chaotic dissonance and pitch-black chthonic textures--a combination of
atonal 20th-century classical music and vicious blackened death laced
with stretches of intense choral ambience and blasts of calcifying,
glacial doom.
Listen - Animals
Ehnahre - Douve SOLD OUT (Available for Pre-Order)
(Kathexis) cd $30 sgd
Ehnahre new release, Douve, pushes things even farther into the muddy
perimeter, incorporating elements of contemporary classical music,
serialism, free improvisation, aleatory, free meter, noise and other
experimental techniques. An 18 part cycle based on poet Yves Bonnefoy’s
Theatre, the record is a window into the distressed mind of a man as he
observes the death and decay of his metaphorical beloved, the “watcher
of the cold secret”. Employing a dizzying variety of timbres,
instruments, moods and stylistic homages, the album ranges from the
delicate shimmer of piano overtones to full-bore metal howl, its
emotional intensity only overcome by the density of its harmonies.
Sometimes beautiful, frequently disgusting, Douve is not only an aural
narrative, but a display of the group’s radical evolution.
Listen - Douve (Trailer)
Ultha -Pain Cleanses Every Doubt SOLD OUT (Available for Pre-Order)
(Vendetta) lp $30 sgd
Pain Cleanses Every Doubt Ultha's debut release is for fans of Ash Borer, Xasthur, Leviathan,
Christicide, Blut Aus Nord. The four songs often vary in speed and mood,
yet always functioning as one big entity. A constant feel of urging
darkness is present. This manifests in the omnipresent melodies which
lure the listener in and also in the sophisticated, metaphor ridden
lyrics about melancholia, depression, doubt and anti-religious believes.
Listen - Perpetual Ressurection
Full of Hell + Merzbow (PRE -ORDER)
(Profound Lore) 2 x cd $32 sgd
Full of Hell • Merzbow, a full-length release and Profound
Lore debut, is their most intense, punishing and obliterating work to
date. With none other than legendary master of noise Masami Akita
(a.k.a. Merzbow) laying down the extra layers of noise and depth to Full
of Hell’s already chaotic and brutal sound, the album is without a
doubt one of the most formidable artistic statements in extreme music
the grind/noise genre. A bonus disc entitled Sister Faun,
exclusive to the CD edition, features a five-song noise piece expanding
upon Merzbow’s work on the proper album.
Listen - Burnt Synapse
Hauter - διαδήλωση
(Young Cubs) cassette $15 sgd SOLD OUT (Available for Pre-Order)
Haunter hail from San Antonio and διαδήλωση find them unleashing three
apocalyptic tracks on their first cassette release…full length due later
in 2016. Three tracks of blackend metal madness.
Pissgrave -Suicide Euphoria
(Profound Lore) cd $30 sgd | lp $40 sgd SOLD OUT (Available for Pre-Order)
With their debut full-length Suicide Euphoria, Pissgrave delivers the
sickest, rawest, most depraved and violent death metal release of the
year. Sounding unlike anything going on in the underground today, the
band reveals itself as one of the most promising prospects in
contemporary death metal.
This is seriously recommended for fans of Revenge, Angelcorpse & Portal.
Listen - Pain Enchantment
Abyssal - Antikatastaseis SOLD OUT (Available for Pre-Order)
(Profound Lore) cd $28 sgd
Abyssal deliver the most intriguing, most brutal and darkest death
metal release of the year, solidifying their place as one of the best
bands coming out of the UK today alongside Grave Miasma and
Cruciamentum. By taking their musical fortitude to yet more melodic and
technical heights, Abyssal have raised a bar in the genre of death
Listen - I am the Alpha and Omega
Cruciamentum - Charnel Passages SOLD OUT (Available for Pre-Order)
(Profound Lore) cd $28 sgd
Following a brief hiatus, Cruciamentum has been resurrected to finally
deliver their debut full-length. Their mightiest work yet with true death metal majesty in every sense of the word, unleashing dark
atmosphere, pummeling brutality and skillful playing, all rendered with
clear warm, natural-sounding production.
Listen - Charnel Passages
La Morte Young
(Ba Da Bing!) Cassette $15 (PRE-ORDER)
With members of Sun Stabbed, Talweg and Nappe, this French group
“draw[s] singing feedback from expiring amps and extend[s] moments of
tense string-brut into colossal, slow-burning ascensions, padding drums force the eternal upward
vectors into waves of dreamtone as the group attempt[s] a flat-lined
reconciliation between barbarous psychedelic drone, early music and
single tone hypnotics.
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